Transform undergraduate STEM instruction at UF by equipping Learning Assistants (LAs) with knowledge and skills to enact antiracist, inclusive, and equitable practices.
Develop, test, and refine a transferable, adaptable model for reforming undergraduate STEM education through antiracist, inclusive pedagogies.
Create and disseminate a repository of professional development materials through open-access channels aimed at infusing anti-racist, inclusive, and equitable practices in undergraduate STEM education.
About the STEM Equity in LA Training Project
The Learning Assistants model is a proven path to active, collaborative practices and improved student outcomes in undergraduate STEM education. This model centers on training undergraduate leaders, Learning Assistants (LAs), to collaborate with faculty to provide deeply enriching, discourse-based learning. Our project has developed a new LA training course to help support STEM equity and the STEM education experience of Black students at the University of Florida.
*This project is funded by the Racial Justice Awards program of the University of Florida Research Office.